
Ernesto Guevara (El Ché)

Ernesto Guevara, known as The Che Guevara, or simply The Che, was born in Rosary, province of Santa Fe, Argentina, on June 14, 1928, was a politician, guerrilla, writer and medical Argentinian.


He was one of the leaders of the Cuban Revolution. Once it conquered the power by the guerrilla warfare (1959) and with Fidel Castro as the President, The Ché had various responsibilities in the Government, among others, Minister of Industry and president of the National Bank, besides he was representing internationally to Cuba in several times.  At the beginning of 1965 wrote a famous letter to Fidel Castro renouncing all its charges and to the Cuban nationality and announcing that went toward other battles. 


In November 7, 1966 he was established by a small guerrilla group in Bolivia and started a new revolution. He was captured and executed (La Higuera, October 9, 1967) in a clandestine way by the Bolivian Army by the collaboration of the CIA. After his death he has turned into a symbol around of world; he symbolizes the fight against the social injustices or of rebelliousness and incorruptible spirit.


Whereas that he was seen by his detractors as an assassin, accusing it besides a bad management as The Minister of Industry, the contour of his face, obtained from Alberto Korda’s photo, is one of the images most reproduced of the world




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